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with Sophie
Sunday 15 Sept 2024, 10.30-13.00 |
Sunday 13 Oct 2024, 14.30-17.00 |
Sunday 10 Nov 2024,14.30-17.00 |
Sunday 15 Dec 2024,10.30-13.00

The Prenatal Well-Being workshops offer a magical time to gather with other pregnant mamas, to celebrate your pregnancy journey and the inner wisdom of your body … in a world where pregnancy is too often only seen through a medicalised lense.

Imagine taking a few hours away from the buzz of life for pure nourishment of the body and mind, while connecting to other pregnant mamas… Imagine taking time and space to reconnect to yourself and your growing baby(ies), feel heard and supported, move, breathe, relax and leave feeling refreshed, positive and confident about pregnancy and birth


Info & Registration :

or via the teacher's website:


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